Pay or salary payment arrangements policy
This model policy template provides information regarding pay or salary payment arrangements. It includes the following sections:
- Payment arrangements
- Deductions
- Benchmarking
- Pay reviews
- Queries

10 mins

What is a Pay or salary payment arrangements policy?
The purpose of this Pay or salary payment arrangements policy is to provide you with a flexible and customisable document to serve as a robust and effective starting point for you.
By using our Pay or salary payment arrangements policy, you can streamline your process, maintain consistency and accuracy, and save time, and it can be easily adapted to fit your specific scenario.

During onboarding / after changes / planned refresher

Internally issued to appropriate recipients in your Company

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide
What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?
Equality Act 2010: This Act ensures that employees are not discriminated against in their pay arrangements based on protected characteristics, such as gender, age, race, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
National Minimum Wage Act 1998 (NMWA): This legislation sets the minimum wage rates that employers must pay to workers, depending on their age and employment status. The pay arrangements policy should outline how the organization complies with the NMWA and ensures that all employees receive at least the minimum wage.
Employment Rights Act 1996: This Act includes provisions for employee contracts and specifies that employees have the right to receive a written statement of their pay arrangements, including details of their salary, payment frequency, and any deductions.
Working Time Regulations 1998: These regulations set limits on working hours, including overtime arrangements, to ensure that employees are fairly compensated for any additional time worked.
Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000: These regulations protect part-time workers from being treated less favorably in their pay arrangements compared to full-time workers doing similar work.
Agency Workers Regulations 2010: These regulations ensure that agency workers receive equal treatment in pay arrangements compared to direct employees after a qualifying period of employment.
Employment Rights (Employment Particulars and Paid Annual Leave) (Amendment) Regulations 2018: These regulations require employers to provide more detailed information about pay arrangements and benefits in the written statement of employment particulars.
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992: This Act addresses issues related to collective bargaining and employee representation, including pay negotiations and pay-related disputes.
Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA): The DPA governs the processing and handling of personal data, including pay-related information. The pay arrangements policy should ensure compliance with data protection principles in managing and protecting employee pay data.
Other territories
Consult your jurisdiction's employment legislation or labor laws to ensure compliance with the template. Review the language for local precision.